SJ (Scott Jehl)

Collab Time! I'm Teaming Up with Enhance Dev

photo of scott jehl profile headshot

By Scott Jehl

Announcement! Today I am starting a new work collaboration that I’m real excited about! I’ve teamed up for a short while with the talented crew at Enhance.Dev (and Begin) to help broaden awareness of their products and tools, which I happen to think are great.

Practically speaking, that’ll mean I'll be doing some public learning and blogging, a bit of product design and strategy, and ultimately working with the team to build an app that we think you're going to love (and that just happens to be built with Begin and Enhance).

"a screenshot of the character"

Anyway, you’ll be hearing more from me about Enhance, Begin, and of course, Axol (that cute, fiery character on the swings above!).

Stay tuned!