SJ (Scott Jehl)

Announcing Web Components Demystified, an Online Course

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By Scott Jehl

I have some exciting news! I just launched a crowdfunding campaign for a new online course I plan to produce. It's called Web Components Demystified, and it aims to explore web components holistically, covering not only the details of the collective standards behind web components, but also how they're being used across the web today and what's ahead as well. The time for learning web components is now and I intend to help teams get up to speed with all they can do.

You can find out more about the project, and secure access to the course materials over one Kickstarter, where you'll find various reward tiers for individual and discounted team access, all at an early bird rate.

Help this project succeed on Web Components Demystified on Kickstarter

I've set up a project site as well.

Back the Project Now and Save!

The campaign will run through June 8, and it needs to meet its goal in order to be funded at all. Of course, my hope is to exceed its goal so that I can consider ways to increase the scope and quality of the course, and perhaps offer in-person and online team training for the material in the fall.

Regardless of whether it has already met its goal, it's advantageous to back the project now as you'll save with early bird pricing that will increase after the campaign finishes. Thank you so much for your support. Here's hoping the campaign succeeds!