SJ (Scott Jehl)

Joining Squarespace

photo of scott jehl profile headshot

By Scott Jehl

Big News! I'm excited to share that I'll soon be joining Squarespace as a software engineer on the web performance team!

As you may already know, Squarespace is a website design, development, management, and delivery platform that has been used to create millions of websites for online businesses, artists, bloggers, restaurants, bands, and more. In this role, I know there will be loads of opportunities for me to learn and grow, not just from the great folks on the perf team with whom I'll be working directly, but also on the complementary accessibility team, and from the many incredibly talented folks in the broader organization.

A photograph from of the Squarespace rooftop terrace with umbrella tables and several employees sitting and chatting, and in the background you can see lower Manhattan
Squarespace's rooftop terrace in the West Village. Source: Squarespace

The potential for impact in this position is inspiring: the performance team's work quite directly improves the experience of users and businesses at a truly massive scale. I've long thought of Squarespace as a company that visibly prioritizes good design, and their values and showcase certainly attest to that. Tools that offer a high level of creative and design flexibility to their users can make for some of the toughest and most interesting performance challenges. All the while, the ways we can performantly and accessibly deliver engaging multimedia content on the web have been evolving and improving rapidly.

In joining this team, I'm excited to put into practice the many things I've learned over the years as an independent web designer and developer, tools developer, web standards contributor, and big fan of the web.

Well, that's it for now–I've got an online course to finish!

Thanks for reading. Onward!